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Ginesys ensures that users never miss any features or bug resolutions

Ginesys ensures that users never miss any features or bug resolutions
Ginesys ensures that users never miss any features or bug resolutions


You had asked for some feature and Ginesys promised to deliver it you. You were facing issues with some bug and you raised a ticket. But you don't know what happened in either case. You keep suffering in silence! 

Ginesys has now ensured that from Ginesys version 11.150.0 - 1.150.0 onwards you will not forget to update your software and thus miss out on new features and bug resolutions which can make your business run significantly smoother.

So now users will be alerted to update their softwares to get the latest features and bug resolution.

If the user has not updated their Ginesys Version to latest available one for more than ninety (90) days, then an alert message is displayed whenever any user logs in at the above mentioned modules. He/she however will be allowed to login into the system. 

Important - Going forward, for any version the customer is on, this alert will be shown if version is not updated for more than 90 days.