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Multiple new forms of Inventory module migrated to Ginesys Web

Multiple new forms of Inventory module migrated to Ginesys Web
Multiple new forms of Inventory module migrated to Ginesys Web


Ginesys has always provided its customers with state-of-the-art modules that tackle business scenarios with flair. Migrating the existing modules of Ginesys to the web has also been a part of that plan. With the latest update released, Ginesys has moved a significant chunk of its Inventory module to the web. It would be pertinent to remember that Ginesys Web already had an Inventory module with the Setup and Miscellaneous entries being moved here from Ginesys Desktop, while Warehouse Management System (WMS) was developed for the web only.

With this update, Inventory (Web) gets more operations migrated from Desktop. Conversion unit of the Inventory module i.e. - Bundle, Split and Production, Stock Audit unit i.e. – Stock Audit Plan and Stock Audit Entry and Transfer unit i.e. – Stock Point Transfer – are all migrated to Ginesys Web with appropriate web Reports. It may be noted that the transactions have been simplified in the process of migration – Verify / Update Stock and Stock Adjustments have become app operations instead of separate forms.

So now most of your inventory related transactions can be executed perfectly wherever you are!