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Site Stock Transfer has been moved to Ginesys Web

Site Stock Transfer has been moved to Ginesys Web


In an outright-sale business, there might be a need to frequently maintain records of secondary stock, i.e., the stock which you have sold to an outright customer. It might be necessary to know - how much of the stock has been actually sold by the outright customer, what is the current stock of various items in that location etc., to plan replenishment in a Shop-in-Shop setup. Now it might happen, that there are two locations of the same customer but the stock is not getting sold from one location. Then it might be a wiser decision to transfer the stock to the better selling site, or maybe use it to replenish the stock short at one location. These stock transference records are maintained through the Site Stock Transfer module. This important feature in S&D module, the Site Stock Transfer, has been moved from Ginesys Desktop to Ginesys Web. Now, you perform the transfers easily from wherever you are, safely and easily.